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About Georgia Landlord Coalition

They say, “There is power in numbers”.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Thomas E. McFarland, Jr. I’ve been a landlord and realtor for over 25 years in Cobb County. The market has gone from top to bottom to back up again, as markets do. In 2020, we all witnessed an unprecedented time with the Covid-19 Pandemic. Most of us living have never seen or experienced anything like this. Businesses closed or had reduced hours, there were massive layoffs, and stay at home orders (aside from the essential workers), schools closed and to virtual learning. Then came the stimulus money! The government began to give money to civilians and businesses alike and increased unemployment benefits to keep economy going and keep people in their homes. The bailouts were helpful to so many, but one group in particular has been hurt and nothing has been done to alleviate the burden placed on the landlords caused by the Eviction Moratoriums.

Well, halfway through 2021 (nearly 18 months after the start of the pandemic) the CDC continues to uphold a moratorium on evictions despite the supreme court ruling that this was unconstitutional. The government has overstepped its boundaries by interfering in private business/entrepreneurship. Most people are back in employment, there is a staffing shortage as companies cannot find help. Tenants that refuse to pay rent have no fear of eviction because they know they can stay without penalty. Meanwhile, the landlords/owners are still required to pay their investors or mortgages on the property. Enough is enough! Our complaints have fallen to upon deaf ears. In light of this crisis, I have decided to found The Georgia Landlord Coalition to speak on behalf of the landlords.

So, what can we as landlords do to impact the current situation? We can join together and unite for a common cause. By combining our resources, experiences, and networking, we can help one another and become a much larger voice that will be heard. As a non-partisan group, there will be opportunities to contribute to those in city, county, state, and even federal arenas for their support of The Georgia Landlords. Remember, there is power in numbers. Start today to protect what you have worked so hard to build.